April 3, 2024


This month we have fed approximately 100 kids and parents weekly.We have started receiving groups of around 30 adults and children, from an Organization called CAMMI. They are Venezuelans receiving government support to travel to other cities or countries. They attend the Saturday morning program where they hear the gospel, have a hot meal, and take a shower before continuing their trip.

This month, a barber school volunteered haircuts for the boys who attended the feeding program. About 15 boyswere able to get a free haircut. A large group of teenage boys and girls have started attending more regularly. Several of them have started coming to the youth group and Sunday services.

This month, during "Semana Santa" (easter break) we had a 3-day kids VBS for ages 7-15. Around 60 kids attended each day, from 10-4, and heard about God's character through lessons about the Trinity. They received a hot meal and two snacks throughout the day. We did arts and crafts, dramas, sang songs, and taught lessons through games and puzzles. We had many new volunteers from the church who joined us and were able to show the kids God´s love.

Thank you for your continuous support and prayers!

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This month we have fed approximately 100 kids and parents weekly.We have started receiving groups of around 30 adults and children, from an Organization called CAMMI. They are Venezuelans receiving government support to travel to other cities or countries. They attend the Saturday morning program where they hear the gospel, have a hot meal, and take a shower before continuing their trip.

This month, a barber school volunteered haircuts for the boys who attended the feeding program. About 15 boyswere able to get a free haircut. A large group of teenage boys and girls have started attending more regularly. Several of them have started coming to the youth group and Sunday services.

This month, during "Semana Santa" (easter break) we had a 3-day kids VBS for ages 7-15. Around 60 kids attended each day, from 10-4, and heard about God's character through lessons about the Trinity. They received a hot meal and two snacks throughout the day. We did arts and crafts, dramas, sang songs, and taught lessons through games and puzzles. We had many new volunteers from the church who joined us and were able to show the kids God´s love.

Thank you for your continuous support and prayers!